The Practicing the Way Course is a free 8 session course designed to help you live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did.

Thursday Nights | Apr 17 - Jun 5 |  7:00pm - 8:30pm.

Session 1: Following Jesus

Session 2: Formation (Pt 1)

Session 3: Formation (Pt 2)

Session 4: The Practices

Session 5: Meeting God in Pain and Suffering

Session 6: Healing from Sin

Session 7: Crafting a Rule of Life

Session 8: Life Together

Each will session will include:

  • teaching from the video study
  • discussion in groups
  • weekly reading from the course book
  • weekly spiritual exercise to do on your own

While the course is free, we ask all participants to purchase the course book, click here to purchase at Amazon. Note; the book may be available at other local retailers or in the local library. 

Register by clicking here. If you have any questions, please contact Alvin.